Long before I knew exactly what I wanted to do, I knew I wanted to do something. I’m aware that I’ve been in the same position as many of you; trying to narrow down what was going to fulfill me while attempting to map out how to start and where to go. And once I figured that out, struggling with trying to stay inspired and motivated. I started listening to Ted Talks in college during my morning commute. I was working hard and needed the direction. I needed something promising that assured me all of my sacrifice wasn’t in vain and that I was on the right path. More than anything, I needed the encouragement. I needed something to aspire to; because deep down inside I knew that graduation and starting a career would only be the first step in a long journey for me and I knew it was just the beginning of what I’d do with my life. The following Ted Talks stuck with me, not only professionally but personally. Here are my favorites for you to listen to if you haven’t already –
Mel Robins: How to Stop Screwing Yourself Over
This is the first Ted Talk that truly resonated with me. I knew that I needed to get going but was waiting on the perfect time. Her idea of forcing things that you want to do is the reason why you’re on TheBWerd.com right now. I didn’t want to be “fine”, I wanted to be “fantastic”. And I wanted others to be too. Get out of your own way and start living the life you want. And this Ted Talk is the perfect place to start.
Sheryl Sandberg: Why We Have Too Few Women Leaders
Before I could address my passions, I had gone to college specifically to land a corporate job. Like I told y’all here, I’ve always been fascinated with the idea of climbing the corporate ladder. Now that I’ve seen it for myself, I understand more than ever how women get in their own way and keep themselves from attaining leadership positions. The speaker in this video is the former COO of Facebook and is also the author of Lean In, an amazing book I listened to on Audible last year. Since watching this Ted Talk, I’ve dug much deeper into the differences between men and women, and why men are so much more likely to sit at the top in their professions. Here’s also some questions you can reflect on once you watch the video.
Amy Cuddy: Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are
This is relevant no matter what your profession. When I learned to change my body language, others perception of me changed. I felt powerful, I felt confident and ready for whatever. Start practicing your “power pose” that Cuddy encourages and watch you feel differently.
Brene Brown: The Power of Vulnerability
Have you wondered why humans crave connection or why everything in the world can seem right again when you’re with “your people”? This talk will leave you thinking about the transforming power of being a human being, our ability to empathize, belong, and love.
Simon Sinek: How Great Leaders Inspire Action
I started this entire blog off of the premise of this Ted Talk. It is so significant, it’s actually even an activity I suggest for everyone on the first page of my Brand Beginnings Workbook. According to Simon Sinek, asking why is the secret to leadership. His simple model inspires leaders to think deeply about purpose. You’ll never think about why, or leadership, the same way again.
Cameron Russell: Looks Aren’t Everything. Believe Me, I’m a Model.
A wonderful discussion about how the way we look takes a toll on our life. Addressing the fact that image is powerful, but image is superficial is so important to how we take in what we see around us. Everything she addresses will resonate with you regardless of race, sex, or career.
Nigel Marsh: How to Make Work Life Balance Work
Work life balance is such a popular term. So popular it doesn’t make sense why so many of us would be struggling with it. For those of us who are trying our very best to juggle corporate jobs, families, creating additional incomes, this is a great video on enforcing boundaries so that we can better balance all that we’re aiming to do.
Please feel free to share any Ted Talks you love with me below! I’m always looking for new motivation.
“My Year of Saying Yes to Everything” by Shonda Rhimes is a good one 🙂