I apologize that the in-depth thought provoking posts have slowed up a bit, but as I’ve expressed since the beginning my career is equally as important to me as this platform, along with how difficult it is to balance the two. Professionally, I’ve had a great year of growth, opportunity and challenges and I wanted to be sure I was ending my year strong, reaching a stopping point that would allow me to begin 2017 comfortably and confidently. On the other end, The B Werd has been everythiiiiing this year. It’s growth and interaction has far exceeded what I anticipated less than a year ago and I’m not only thankful, I’m inspired. I’m looking forward to growing this twice (or three times) as big as this year while allowing more opportunities for women other than me to use this platform as a place to have relevant conversations. Now onto the Coffee Talk questions…
My boyfriend and I have been together for 10 months and he hasn’t posted any photos of us or me on his social media. Should I be worried?
Well, that’s really only an answer you can provide. Do you feel worried? Relationships are like sandwiches, everyone prepares theirs differently. I personally am a very private person, so I can understand why someone wouldn’t; but there’s a thin line between private and problematic. If you’ve questioned his reasoning why, I’d like to know his motive. After my last relationship ended one of the worst things I had to do was go back down my timeline and delete our photos. I hated the fact that everyone would know it was over + it was a harsh reminder that it actually was. I knew I wouldn’t put myself in that position again. Naturally we’d want to think his hesitation or lack of pride in flaunting you would mean he’s hiding something, but there could be a handful of reasons why he hasn’t done so yet. Not everything needs to be boasted on social media, but I understand the wondering “why not?”. Like anything you want to know, ask. If you’re uncomfortable with his reasoning or can’t come to a middle ground, that’s likely a red flag.
We don’t do any sort of Secret Santa at my job but I’d like to get my boss a gift for being so amazing to me. Any ideas?
Of course. I love my boss a lot so I buy for her like I’d buy for my own family LOL but there are a ton of good small gifts to show your appreciation. Here are a few –
I know you live in Houston and hardly get the chance to wear boots, but I just took a job in Chicago and it’s freezing cold. Please share some flat boots (I walk a lot) you’d buy if you were me.
This was my first year at my firm post-graduation and I got a bonus this month. I don’t own any designer bags but finally have enough to buy one in full. Would you buy a purse with it? Also, do you get a bonus and if so how do you spend it?
Put that money up, girl. I do get a nice bonus with the company I’m at and I never use it as that. If there’s any balances on my credit cards, I pay those down and put the rest into savings. You survived all year without a that money, you don’t really need to blow it. Believe me, something more important will come up where you’ll be thankful you have that cushion in your account.
Were there any goals you set for yourself that you didn’t get around to this year?
Without a doubt. Once I realized you guys actually liked the blog I immediately wanted to rev it up. More photos, better equipment, more personal posts but I was dreaming really big (as we should). I wanted to start answering #CoffeeTalk via YouTube video months ago. Have I done it? Nope. I wanted to have merchandise and a planning calendar ready to go on January 1st. Am I on schedule? Nope. I’ve had to force myself to recognize the fact that I can only do so much, I can’t do it all. As long as I’m giving each day my best, I’ll try again tomorrow.
You give us so much good information on here to help us with entrepreneurship, small businesses and blogging too. Since you’ve graduated and began your profession, how do you continue to learn and master your expertise?
Luckily, the work that I do for my 9-5 as far as public relations, branding and social media is easy to transfer over to the work that I do with this blog so in a way, having this blog has helped me at work and the work that I do at my 9-5 has helped me with The B Werd. Trial and error has been a great teacher because let’s face it, some things we just have to find out for ourselves. Outside of that, I’m a member of SMPS (Society for Marketing Professional Services) that constantly offer ways to grow your knowledge. I sign up for a ton of webinars and attend as many luncheons as my schedule permits. Lastly, I pick everyone’s brain that allows me too. Iron sharpens iron.
I’m short on time, obviously I’m posting at noon. These are all the questions I can get to today, but will save all the others for the next round! As always, please submit your questions to info@thebwerd.com for Coffee Talk. I’m hosting another Slay For A Change panel tonight and will let you all know how it goes! Also, did you guys see my Vogue feature? Yaaaaaasss!
Ms Honey says
Congrats on your vogue feature I seen it on Instagram! I like your #CoffeeTalk posts. I can’t wait to see where my blog is in a year. Happy Holidays
Courtney says
Stay consistent and intentional and watch it blossom baby doll. And thank you for the kind words! I hope you have a magnificent holiday <3
Khiaflores@gmail.com says
I am currently in school and would like to know more about your major and what all falls under it? I would love to do event planning for a corporation when I graduate.