I’ve always been one who was confident in anything I wanted to do. I tell myself just like I tell all of you that everything you imagine will come to fruition if you want it bad enough. But it wasn’t until recently when I realized that even the things that I imagine for myself have limits. Although I’m pushing for things I don’t have yet, they’re still in what I consider to be a realistic realm for what I feel I can achieve. There’s a big difference between aiming to have a Bentley and aiming to have a private plane. So why the hell haven’t I been aiming for a private plane?
I create to-do style short term goals, listing a, b, and c that will get me to what I need in order to get to what I want for the next . Outside of playfully saying things like “I’d love my own show” and “yachting in Monaco for my 30th is ideal”, those aren’t necessarily things I aim to do. Why not? Because in my head, it sounds good but it doesn’t sound realistic. After trying the exact exercise in the video with two of my friends, none of us could make it past 35 things without feeling like the things we were listing were beyond our expectations (and we are big dreamers). It really was a challenge.
Why do we only feel comfortable setting goals inside of what seems realistically attainable? Can you write down 50 things you want to achieve before you start getting unrealistic? What about 500? Even when we feel like we’re working towards our dreams, are they big enough? High enough? We put limits on ourselves without realizing it, basing what we feel can achieve off the resources and circumstances of now. That’s not how dreams work. People become rich and powerful because they truly want to. People become the best at what they do because they had the nerve to aspire for it.
In 48 hours, my list has grown to 77 but you can believe that it won’t stop there. I’m pushing for 500, even if the last 450 are what most people deem as impractical.
“Firstly, you need to aim beyond what you are capable of. You must develop a complete disregard for where your abilities end. Try to do the things that you’re incapable of. If you think you’re incapable of running a company, make that your aim. If you think you’re unable to be on the cover of Time magazine, make it your business to be there. Make your vision of where you want to be a reality. Nothing is impossible.” – Paul Arden
Have a bomb ass Monday, xx.
Hey Courtney!
This was well timed, especially in the wake of the NBA Finals last night (im a big sports fan). Many of the players have always said being in the NBA was a dream come true and ppl criticized that Cleveland winning a championship was damn near unattainable. Well looky looky who won?
I am going to try and ramp up in items to tag on my own list! I do give myself ceilings at times trying to stay in a conventional realm of realistic goals. No bueno. One of my strongest passions is to have self-identity. As a career woman and mother, it can be a challenge. You become known as the caretaker, nurse, counselor – but sometimes your own dreams are put on the backburner for later years when the kids are grown, etc. Why not tackle them now?!
Thanks for sparking up a flame in readers this week! TheBWerd and this Starbucks white chocolate frap is all I needed today LOL.
– avid reader
Cassidy !
I literally followed you on instagram around November/December, bookmarked your blog during finals and FORGOT to come back after they were done. I mean, I would’ve LOVED to read through TheBWerd while I wasn’t obligated to do quizzes and papers. lol I always find myself placing limits on what I think I’m capable of and after reading through your entire ‘Jetsether’ section I’m like, will I ever get out of school and be able to travel freely??? I’m in my second year of graduate school and on a STRICT budget. I’m talking ran out of savings, no wiggle room STRICT and for me that’s a huge limit on myself, but I know that traveling makes me happy. I am planning to go out of the country for the first time around graduation (but, who knows when that will be smh at some point around 2018/2019), but I need to go ahead and take risks! I shouldn’t limit myself to waiting until I’m 30 to get out and live. Thanks for the inspiration Courtney. I’ll be reading more frequently, for certain! 🙂
Kaadia, that comment made me so happy! I’m so similar to you, I couldn’t wait. While I did take risks, they were calculated. Looking back, I didn’t know how some things were going to work out – I just know that they always did. Once you’re able to move around freely you’ll back at all the sacrifices you made and be thankful. It’s worth the struggle, believe me! Best of luck baby doll xx