Remember how I said I was going to spend some quality time with my sister and nephews this weekend? Well, I did. And while we were laying on the couch discussing what our upcoming week looked like, my sister mentioned how many people she knows are like robots; caught up in the monotony of everyday, repeating the same actions over and over until the weekend comes to save them. Rinse, repeat.
When you’re going through the day-to-day motions, life seems ridiculously repetitive but what we don’t take into account, is how the majority of us don’t take advantage of the day-to-day opportunities that we fail to capitalize on. We spend our weekends relaxing, partying, catching up on our shows and catching up on friendships, then roll our eyes when our alarm sounds Monday morning because two days we cherish didn’t last long enough. There’s a reason why I give you all Monday Motivation and not Friday Motivation. I’ve been an advocate for Monday’s, as you can see here where I wrote about finding reasons to fall in love with them again.
Life isn’t boring, it’s truly what you make it. If the weekend, your hobbies, or downtime is what drives you, I’m willing to bet that you’re not doing enough of what you’re passionate about. There’s plenty of time to do what you really want to do, as long as you prioritize it accordingly. What you choose to accomplish and how you choose to spend the hours of each day is solely up to you.
People always think I’m some sort of strange exception when I tell them I’m excited for Monday’s, but that’s only because most people hate them. I have work to do, and the majority of the people I need to do it with are available starting Monday morning. What you do five days a week from now until you retire is going to take up a large portion of your life. Why would you want to waste all that time dreading it? Unless you’re a party promoter, there’s little that you can accomplish on the weekend that you can’t knock-out during the week. My guy Tay says it best – “Monday’s are to hustlers what Friday’s are to lazy people”.
Make your Monday great, xx.
Hello! I know your blog is geared mostly towards ladies but I enjoy reading them. I opted to start a family over a career and now in my 30’s i am finishing up school and finding my way. Most of my friends are “self employed” and I do not know any professionals especially females. Just wanted to share my background as a reader and say keep up the good work. You even inspire older males! God Bless
Thank you so much for your compliments! I’m so happy to know that what I’m saying is resonating with both men and women. I hope that you continue to read! 🙂