“Take chances, take a lot of them. Because honestly, no matter where you end up and with whom, it will always end up just the way it should be. Your mistakes make you who you are. You learn and grow with each choice you make. Everything is worth it. Say how you feel, always. Be you and be okay with it.”
As each year passes we change as individuals and learn a few things to benefit us in the upcoming year. 2015 was a piece of cake for me because of these lessons learned below –
Don’t force things that don’t fit – I struggled with this off-and-on. I wanted to hold onto people that I thought were for me, and wanted to convince myself that I could make people that I knew weren’t for me become such. I don’t like to admit but here it is… I always want to get my way and want everything to go the way I want it to, when I want it to. And while I’ve done a pretty good job of mapping out my life the way that I saw it fit, I realize there are things that won’t happen at the snap of my fingers. We often psych ourselves out so we can find ways to make sense of things that we know don’t add up. Anything meant to be is not that complicated. Be honest with yourself. Do your part and let things flow because at the end of the day, we can only control so much. Fate doesn’t require much work from us, it just requires us to allow it to happen. Keep it simple, things have an incredible way of working themselves out.
Enjoy the process – I legitimately get anxiety at the thought of turning 26 in a little over a month. Chances are you’re not where you thought you’d be by this time in your life. Guess what? You will live! Everything happens in its own perfect timing, so as long as you’re doing what you’re supposed to be doing in order to get where you want to be, sit back and enjoy your daily progression. I truly believe we don’t receive things that we desire until we’re ready for them. The time you’re allowed in between is the perfect phase to prepare for what plan to obtain.
You’ve got it really, really good – I’ve made it a point to stop myself from complaining. Naturally, it’s easy to want to upgrade my BMW since I’ve finished paying on it, or wish I had a million dollars in savings but for what? Realistically, I have so much more than what I need and that in itself is a blessing. I have the freedom and the flexibility to do the things I want, create new memories and live incredibly comfortable. My mantra moving forward is “pray for what you need and work for what you want”.
If you find yourself bored, go and explore – There is no better time than now. When I say explore, I mean something outside of your daily routine. I spent about 5 months this year traveling nonstop with my friends. I visited with family I hadn’t seen in years and went down memory lane. I forced my antisocial self to get out of the house when I didn’t necessarily want to and was enlightened because of it. Do something different, it will always work out in your favor.
Just get started! – If we wait until we’re ready, we’ll be waiting for the rest of our lives. Whatever you’ve been thinking of wanting to do, learn or try, just get started! I’ve had a thousand good ideas that I never got around to executing because I like to see the end in the beginning. For example, this blog. So, I’m taking my own advice and just getting started. Create a plan and run with it, even if you have to make edits along the way. Commitment and consistency are key to anything you wish to succeed in doing. If it were easy, wouldn’t everyone be doing great things? Trust me when I say, you can’t half ass what you want to see results in. Every day you wait to get going is a day you put yourself behind schedule.
Girl, calm down. – It’s not that serious. It’s not that deep. It will pass just as quickly as it came, so just relax. I’m known to have a very short fuse when it comes to things that make me go off. If something rubs me the wrong way, I try to sleep on it and if I’m still bothered the next day then I’ll address it. This gives me enough time to evaluate whether or not it’s even worth the energy. Chances are it’s probably not and I thank myself for not letting it take up more space than it needed to.
Whatever happened over the past year, be thankful for where it brought you. Where you are is exactly where you’re meant to be. I hope this year you manifest the life you want to live. Here’s to the 2016 of your dreams!