“I think I’m gonna start a blog.“
It even felt stupid coming out from in between my lips. Staying up till 1 am with 99 tabs open in my Internet browser trying to figure out how to get a “blog” up and running was hard. Let’s not even talk about the first time I had to take Style Guide photos in public while onlookers stopped to watch. But nothing felt dumber than actually getting started. Nothing was more discouraging than anticipating what people would have to say about what I wanted to do. But I did it anyway. I had been having this vision of something I wanted to create that was so much bigger than me going to my corporate job everyday. The idea I had, that I hadn’t thought all the way out, was to create a community for women like me as far as it would carry by being as transparent as possible with my own success and failures. I wanted to highlight exactly what my life consisted of with business and career, style, travel and relationships both romantic and platonic and the best way for me to do that was to start a blog.
What are you doing? Where is this even going to go? What will you do if no one cares to read what you’re talking about? Those were all thoughts running through my head. The first time I introduced myself as a blogger, I cringed. The term “blogger” was so cliche, it really wasn’t one I wanted to be labeled as. I had a few friends that laughed with responses like “you’re a blogger now?” when I’d share the news. I vividly remember my mom stopping me before I walked out of the door with 5 outfits on hangers to go and shoot looks to say “are you even making any money off of this?”. “Well no, not yet” I responded. I hadn’t made a dime and wasn’t sure if I ever would. All I knew is I had gotten started and as stupid as it felt, I was going to keep going until it didn’t feel like a dumb decision anymore. Deep down inside, I knew I was onto something and if I stuck with it I’d eventually reap my rewards.
Since then, I’ve landed collaborations with brands I’ve loved for years and brought in half of my corporate salary. I created some products that allowed me consistent forms of passive income and worked one-on-one with nearly 100 women to help them build their own successful blogs and businesses. On multiple occasions, I was invited to speak to other women and share what I know with them. I experienced some successes that I couldn’t have imagined when I hit “publish” on my first blog post and I know there’s so much more in store for me. Going after what I wanted felt stupid, but it has been so rewarding. Feeling stupid was one hurdle that has been totally worth it.
Why does going after the things we desire instinctively make us feel stupid? We shrink down at the idea of unfamiliar challenges. Your dreams feel stupid because there’s still a part of you who doesn’t believe in what you can really do if you put your mind to it. We fear what could go wrong before we even attempt to get it right. We’re afraid of what our friends, family or colleagues may say, or how we may be perceived by others. We’re scared we may fail and that someone may find out we didn’t do as well as we hoped. But none of those reasons are good enough to hold you back from what you’re capable of achieving. The chances of your dreams and goals making you feel stupid are high, but that doesn’t make them unattainable. In fact, it makes achieving them even more rewarding. Now that I can see what feeling stupid has turned into, I feel stupid for allowing myself to feel that way to begin with.
Steve Jobs had a stupid computer idea. Sara Blakley had a stupid undergarment idea. This week, work on that “stupid” idea you have, because it very well may be genius. Have a great Monday!
This was exactly what I needed to hear. I’ve been contemplating starting a mommy and me blog for year highlighting being a young millennial mother.
Go for it! Whatever you think is holding you back is only in your head. The time to start is right now! xx
I love this girl! Perfect Monday read!
Awww thank you for reading Funke! So glad you enjoyed it! <3
This is just what I needed today! I’ve been trying to get in contact with you about some things but haven’t gotten a reply to my emails or messages. What’s the best way?
So glad to hear you enjoyed it! I just searched my inbox for “Mallory” and was unable to find anything. Please send it over to info@thebwerd.com xx
LOVEEE , thanks for sharing Courtney ! Your knowledge and perseverance truly inspires me.
Ah you’re so welcome Dominique! Thank you for reading <3
You’re such a gem! Thank you for sharing your light! Awesome read to start my week.
Thank you so much Chels! I’m glad you enjoyed the motivation <3
Love your honesty & vulnerability of kickstarting your business <3 Thanks for the inspo!
Being honest about our struggles are the only way to help others. The last thing I want to do is make it seem like anything I’ve done has been easy or come quick. I’m no different than you ladies! Have a great week xx
Great post Courtney! Thanks for sharing! I experienced the exact same feeling starting my blog 2 months ago. But, it has been the most rewarding and fulfilling thing I have ever done. It felt crazy and even embarrassing when people would ask why I was starting a blog. I almost let that get the best of me, but I am so glad I didn’t! Now, back to working on my “stupid” idea that I absolutely love! 🙂
Oh my gosssssssh, you feel my pain! “Everyone wants to have a blog” was something I heard so often until I started to respond “yeah I do too. AND?” LOL. Don’t let them detour you! You’re onto something great xx
This! The part when you talked about your dreams feeling stupid because there’s still apart of you that doesn’t belive! Ugh.. nail on the head. Thank you for writing this, and THANK YOU for not giving into the “this is stupid” mindset.
Thank you so much for your kind words Ashley! I’ll keep on pushing just because I know I can continue to inspire women like you xx
Agree with Ashley! “Your dreams feel stupid because there’s still a part of you who doesn’t believe in what you can really do if you put your mind to it.” That part!!!! The self doubt, smh. Thank you for writing this. Like Ashley said, thank you Courtney for Not giving into “this is stupid” mindset! I appreciate everything you’re doing!
We’re our own worst enemies. If we can convince ourselves that we have what it takes to achieve what we want, we’ll get it done! Have a great week Camrie <3
Come through with the Monday Motivation! So many of us can relate to this feeling. Whether I think my idea is stupid and may not work or it may work and that has built fear. Fear of the unknown. This post is right on time, every time. Thanks for sharing!
-avid reader
Cassidy E!
Fuck fear. If all we ever did what was we were comfortable doing, we’d be sitting right here for the rest of our lives. Can’t wait to see what you’ll go on to do boo! <3
This is a really great post and it came right at the time that I need. Appreciate the post.
I’m so glad this post hit perfect timing for you! Thank you for reading <3